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10 Million pounds of plastic end up in our ocean each year!

It is up to us to change that!







Ocean currents concentrate plastic in five areas of the world, known as the world’s 'ocean garbage patches'. It's our mission to save the Ocean Life by personally cleaning up these plastic patches. As we partner with more Organizations, our outreach will slowly begin to solve the waste problem, while also creating eco-homes for those in need. 


new study led by Dr. Roland Geyer from the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at the University of California, Santa Barbara found:

  1. Widespread use of plastics has surpassed all other man-made materials except steel and cement.

  2. Global production of plastic increased from 2 million tons in 1950 to 380 million tons by 2015, a growth rate 2.5 greater than that of the global economy. Half of that amount was produced in just the last 13 years.

  3. If this global trend in production continues, humans will have produced 34 billion tons of plastic by 2050 (100 times greater than the weight of all the humans on the planet), four times more than we have made to date. Close to half—46% of that (a whopping 12 billion tons)—is expected to be discarded in landfills or the natural environment.

  4. As a material, plastic is long lasting and durable and doesn’t degrade. This is one of the reasons plastic can be so useful when it comes to human health and food safety–especially in the developing world. But this also means that plastics accumulate in the natural environment and landfills, leading to what Geyer and his coauthors call a growing concern of a “near-permanent contamination of the natural environment.”

  5. Six different types of plastic (polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalates (PET), and polyurethane (PUR) account for 92% of all the plastics ever made and 42% of that has been used for packaging, generally with a lifespan of less than 1 year before being discarded.

  6. There are only 4 ways to handle plastic at the end of its life. Plastic waste can be recycled, destroyed or converted to fuel or energy through incineration or pyrolysis, disposed of in managed waste systems or discarded where it ends up in the natural environment.

  7. The highest recycling rates are in Europe (30%) and China (25%) whereas the United States has had a relatively dismal rate of 9% since 2012. Even so, only 9% of all the plastics that have ever been produced have been recycled and only 10% of that amount (less than 1%) has been recycled more than once.

  8. A whopping 79% of all the plastics ever produced have now been discarded. Only 21% of plastics are still in active use.


In recent years, a destructive disgusting island of plastic the size of Texas travels around the habitat of some of the most majestic creatures on earth.  Considering Whale Sharks are the largest fish on the planet and graze upon the ocean, it is inevitable that plastic ends up inside them and causes their numbers to drastically reduce.


We are all to blame for this problem and we can ALL do something about it. Take a minute to think of how much plastic you use in one day. Toothbrush, toothpaste tube, coffee-cup, water bottle, shampoo, conditioner, plastic wrap around fruit and vegetables, etc, etc: the list goes on. Our Goal is $1 per week to help us dispose of your plastic and keep it out of the mouths and stomachs of these beautiful creatures.


No government or country is taking responsibility. It is our duty to the planet and future generations to take responsibility.



On average over ane 100,000 marine animals are killed each year idf due to plastic waste in our oceans. An additional 1,000,000 birds are killed annually.



"Researchers say that at our current rate, it's like a truckload of plastic going in the ocean every hour"



By 2050 the ocean will have more pounds of plastic than pounds of fish!

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